On Saturday I went shopping in Birmingham town. As much as I dislike where I live (the West Midlands), I never fail to come back from my travels to the Bull Ring empty handed, or disappointed.
With sixth form just ahead, I needed some new, smart clothes. I decided as the required look is 'suited and booted', I'd be best to express myself by buying 'Mod'-looking clothes. I already have a navy suit with a blue, paisley tie so it was variables I was shopping for.
Although it may seem like a fashionista's nightmare, I found myself wondering into TK Maxx, a shop that I never use. I'm not sure why but curiosity got the best of me. I was lucky enough to stumble upon a midnight blue shirt covered in small white dots. Made by London's Saville Row Company, the RRP of the shirt was £70 however, at a reduced price of £20, I found the shirt irresistible.
I then moved onto Primark, once more, a shop avoided by most interested in clothing. I was lucky enough to find a rugged white shirt with more of a casual look to the Burton's smart one I already owned. It was a steal at just £9.
Then, I found my favourite buy of the day: the shoes above. I've been watching these shoes for a long time in Primark, umming and ahing every time I go in. Finally, I decided, I'd had enough.The adrogony of the shoe (I knew a girl who had an almost identical pair), with it's heel and it's smooth suede surface was calling to me. It is probably my favourite pair of shoes that I own, overtaking my tan brogues that I wore to my prom.
With two ties from River Island to follow, I found myself inside HMV. Anywhere where there is vinyl is insatiably dangerous for my bank account. Led Zeppelin and The Stone Roses cost £15 a piece along with Kasabian's 48:13 at £18. The most puzzling thing in my mind is why Kasabian decided on their release being two 9" EPs rather than one 12" LP. It's rather confusing.
So that was my trip to Birmingham! I get paid monthly so similar adventures will probably entail at the same rate!
I hope this blog isn't rubbish.
M x
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